Thursday, August 10, 2006

Don't use starch!

Okay, the title isn't exactly what I mean, there are definitely times when it's a good idea to use starch, like when your jeans have been washed a couple of times and have become too soft.
However, there is also a very good reason not to use starch, or at least not use it to speed up the breaking in process.

If you use starch on your new jeans, for example on the back of the knees to get honeycombs faster, you will most probably fail to get anything that looks like honeycombs at all.
You will get creases, but they most definitely won't look like honeycombs.

Real honeycombs.

Honeycombs will always appear by themselves, however the look of them will depend of the fit of your jeans, tighter jeans will have more horisontal creases at the back of the knee which don't really look like honeycombs, but with jeans that are slim/regular/loose you will get something that resembles the honeycomb pattern more. It seems that a relaxed fit gives the most honeycomb-like pattern.

When you starch the back of the knees and then wear the jeans 'til they've dried, what you will get will not be creases that have a natural shape. Honeycombs are the product and average of hundreds of thousands of knee-bends, but if you starch and wear your jeans, the creases you will get can be the product of ten knee bends. This means that the patter will not look real and it also means that the creases will not fade as well since the highest points at the creases will not be stressed or bent as much and you might also get new, natural creases after a while that will go over the old creases, and just make your jeans look a bit off. Also, when you wash your jeans it is very likely that you will never get back the same creases again, if you used starch to get them.

So, there are certainly times when I would use starch, but you should always let it dry before wearing your jeans!


  1. Using starch is the worst thing we can do, because pants get like rocks, I prefer them without starch because I feel relaxed and my balls can breath very well.m10m

  2. There's no doubt, the dude is absolutely just.
