Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Self Edge and denim in the press

The denim fetish of ours is getting more and more attention in the normal media. The latest article is from the San Francisco Chronicle, and it's quite big and one of the better ones I've read.
It talks about some basic things like the history of jeans, explains some terms and then goes on to talk about Japanese brands and what makes them so popular.

It also talks about the seemingly great party that Self Edge, a San Francisco store, threw this weekend. A couple of denim fanatics are also interviewed and asked about their obsession and why jeans are so special.

There are a few errors, not many, but it seems that's what you get when someone who isn't fully into something as complex as this writes such a thorough article. The only thing I feel is worthy to correct is the statement that Samurai is exclusive to Self Edge; you can also buy Samurai jeans and apparel at Blue in Green in New York City.

All in all I think this is a great article and if you ever have trouble explaining your obsession to friends or family, you could show it to them, because I think it is an easy and interesting read for both the new and the seasoned denim nerd.

The party at Self Edge must have been great, I was reminded of the party at Solo when looking at the pictures. The denim was on a different level at the Self Edge party though, they carry Sugarcane, Samurai, IronHeart, Sling and Stones(they've made the nicest jeans for women that I've seen) and The Flat Head. Speaking of The Flat Head, Self Edge seems to be solely responsible for making the brand popular in America. I remember a year ago when I was deciding on which pair of Japanese jeans would be my first, I was choosing between Samurai S0505XX, Studio D'Artisan SD-103 and The Flat Head 3001. I ended up getting the SD-103s first and then the S0505XXs, but now I feel like I should've bought the 3001s instead. Perhaps it's just a case of "the grass.."? Either way, they're all terrific jeans and like I've said before, the 3008 model from The Flat Head is very likely to be my next pair of jeans.

The Flat Head seems to be very popular after this weekend, maybe one of the reasons why so many people decided to get a pair was because of how the broken-in pair that Self Edge had borrowed from the owner of the brand himself and had on display looked?
They also had old IronHeart and Sugarcane jeans on display.

Picture courtesy of Tarmac@superfuture.
These IronHeart jeans had been worn for 20 months and washed 35(!) times.

You can see more broken-in jeans and a jacket from The Flat Head here, fit pics here.

You can find more articles about jeans on Blue in Greens website. The SF Chronicle has an entry about the party on their blog also.
The new Sugarcane jeans that were mentioned can be seen here.


  1. Anonymous12/1/07 07:53

    Hi this is Tarmac, Aweseome blog. You can see a high res version of the iron hearts here: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=351372307&size=o

  2. Hi, thanks for letting me use your photo!

  3. Anonymous21/1/07 19:45

    the man caused levi's to sue these brands...

  4. The Japanese brands are so 22DD spectacular, I would like to buy some blue jeans in Japan because I friend said me that the Japanese brands are the best ones,so I think that the video is so spectacular!!

  5. Oh my god, there's a great deal of helpful information here!

  6. In my opinion everybody must go through it.
