Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Limited time offer

If you've found a pair of Japanese jeans or something else from Japan that you like there are a couple of ways to make them your's. One way is to order through the user xcoldricex on Styleforum/Superfuture. He is currently in Japan and offers to buy the item for you and ship them to you(few stores ship outside of Japan) for a small fee.
He is slightly cheaper than other similar services, and he is definitely faster, speaks better English(he's American) and can get you goods that isn't available online.
He can also get you Red Moon-style wallets for about half the price of Red moon's and Loopwheeler sweatshirts and much, much more.

Check out this thread at Styleforum and the pics he has posted!
Read his feedback here and here.

Update: I may have been wrong about this being cheaper than other services. Ask bid-service and Celga for their prices before ordering.


Anonymous said...

For the jeans I wanted bid-service was $40 cheaper.

Anonymous said...

yeah, definately cheaper by bid service.